Life Hacks From A Daily Drawing

I have learned, through trial and error, that there is a great deal of wisdom to be gleaned from a daily drawing.   Like I’m talking Sagacious kind of wisdom, go figure.  While I am working on my drawing skills, I am also working on my life skills.  Yep, two for one!    And we can all use a bit of encouragement on getting through the stuff life throws at us, Yes?

All of life is connected and if you can cultivate these skills through your drawing practice
you will start to see some of it show up in your day to day life.

Daily Drawing – Get Something On The Page


Just getting that first mark on the page, ok, go back even further, just sitting down with a pencil and paper,  now that takes courage.  Saying no to all the excuses and making some time for yourself and for some daily drawing.  That move alone is a brave one.  If you can make that move, then you’ve made the first step to accomplishing some pretty cool stuff!  Ok, a little dramatic, but seriously, making that first mark is not an easy task.  I give myself a little pat on the back each time I put aside the excuses, and make a little time to draw, just a little, that is all it takes.  So Go ahead, I dare you. Place that first mark on the page.  Pick a shape and put it down.  Just get started.

2 – Just Keep Swimming – Persistence

Ahhh the trick, now that you have started, is to keep going.  Distraction is an ongoing struggle.  “Squirrel” as our family likes to say (we loved the movie UP).  But don’t stop now, not when you’ve just got going.  Keep on moving, and create that momentum.  It too is a muscle that you have to train.  Don’t get deterred by anything that tries to throw you off.  You are drawing, maybe you don’t know quite what yet, but, stick it out,  just keep swimming.  You are getting the hang of this daily drawing idea.

Need Some Encouragement
My New Workbook is packed with exercises and ideas to get you started

Check Out My Full Workbook and Learn To Draw All Kinds of Shapes

3 – Don’t Rush The Process – Patience

Details make all the difference.  The beauty is in the details.  All so true.  I will start my daily drawing by working in some basic shapes.  I come up with arrangements that fit the framework I am working within.  The details will come later, sometimes much later.  I go back over the drawing many, many times.  Working the detail in, in layers.  So give it time, don’t get discouraged if you can’t get the finer stuff at the beginning, it will work it’s way in as you draw.  You will see a space and say, “Hey I know what would look great in there” or “what if I try this”.  Have fun and take your time.  Allow your design to evolve slowly.

4 – Put Down The Eraser – Non Judgement

I use a pencil in the beginning stages, to get some ideas on the paper.  I find it loose and easy and I can work out different concepts.  However at some point I need to commit.  It is easy to keep judging my work and think there is a better idea.  This can become a circular game that will only end with you breaking your pencil and ripping up your page.


I have had designs I felt were so ugly, I hid them in my bottom drawer hoping I’d forget about them, only to find them months later and wonder how such a pretty design got in the bottom of a drawer.  It’s all perspective.  Perspective is something we lose the longer we look at something, and something we gain with space and distance.  So play around a little and then, do it, commit.  Go all in, ink that design.  Don’t judge and if you don’t like it, just put it aside, you will love it later, trust me.

Enjoy The Process,  Celebrate, You Showed Up For Your Daily Drawing.

There you have it, some really great life hacks all from simply drawing everyday.  The best one of all is that you chose to show up for you.  All of life is connected and when you can cultivate these skills through your drawing practice they will start to show up in your day to day life as well.  Isn’t life awesome.  Now go draw, no more excuses!  You’ve got this.

Check Out More of My Drawing Classes

Thanks for joining me and getting creative.~ Jane ~

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” – Georgia O’Keeffe

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